
Prudie Peepers

Prudie is Green Mountain Cabaret’s most endearingly terrified host. At least 68% anxious before every show, she is learning to embrace the glitter and glamour of life on the burlesque stage. 

Her background as a tap dancer, church choir director, and preschool teacher did not fully provide the necessary skill set for hosting burlesque shows, but the hosts and dancers at Green Mountain Cabaret have provided detailed tutorials to help her develop her skills. 

Here are the four rules of burlesque hosting according to Prudie:

1. There’s no such thing as too much glitter

2. If you run out of funny things to say, you can always bust out your dance moves

3. Be nice to the kittens. They are at least 83% magical.

4. Tutus go with every outfit

When not gallivanting on the Green Mountain Cabaret stage, Prudie and her husband, Beaux, can also be found hosting shows with Viva Vermont Burlesque in Montpelier and with Untapped! A Night of Drag and Burlesque in Winooski. Prudie enjoys tutus, Doctor Who, singing, and hippos.  

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